Risk Committee

The Risk Committee is an independent committee of the Board of Supervisors and its purpose is to assist the Board in its oversight of management’s responsibility to implement an effective global risk management framework reasonably designed to identify, assess and manage the Bank’s strategic, Credit, Market, and Operational Risks. The Risk Committee’s responsibilities include approval of applicable primary risk policies and review of certainly associated frameworks, analysis, and reporting established by management. The Committee will assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities about the risk appetite of the Corporation, the Corporation’s risk management and compliance framework, and the governance structure that supports it.

The Risk Management Committee shall meet quarterly or at least four times in a year and as whenever required.

Risk Committee Main Role and Responsibilities

The Committee’s main responsibility and primary function is to assist the Board in fulfilling its risk management responsibilities as defined by the DA Afghanistan Bank (DAB) and applicable laws and regulations as well as the Bank’s Memorandum & Articles of Association including the Bank’s:

  • Risk Strategy & Delegation of Authority;
  • Risk tolerance / appetite and reporting;
  • Capital planning, liquidity and funding;
  • Oversight on Material Risks: Risk management and risk assessment of credit risk, market risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, strategic risk, reputation risk, IT security, AML risk, compliance risk, legal risk, Pillar II risks and such other risks as necessary to fulfil the Committee’s duties and responsibilities. The Committee shall recommend to the Board policies and guidelines to manage the above risks. 
  • Oversight of the Chief Risk Officer (CRO); and
  • Setting up the risk based KPIs for Senior Management.

Risk Committees members:

The Committee shall consist of at least three non-executive directors, including the Committee Chairman. Members of the Committee shall be appointed by, and maybe removed by the Board. The Committee members must have sufficient expertise and knowledge to understand the material risks taken by the Bank.

Mr. Khalil Rahman Baheer (Committee Chairman):

Khalil Baheer is Operations Director of MISFA (Micro Finance Investment Support Facility Afghanistan). Since July 2009, he has been in senior Management of MISFA, an independent Budgetary Unit of the Government of Afghanistan, supporting the microfinance and SME sectors at the national Level.

Mr. Baheer has over 20 years of experience in design, Management, implementation, Monitoring and evaluation of large complex development and humanitarian projects in Afghanistan, Pakistan, United Kingdom, and Thailand. He has worked with UN agencies (ILO, UNDP, UNOPS); INGOs, including IRC; and donor agencies, USAID, World Bank, and DFID. He holds a Master in Business Administration awarded by the London Metropolitan University. He completed his Bachelors from Orient University. Mr. Baheer also earned a Management and leadership certificate from Harvard University in the United State; United Kingdom.

Mr. Wadir Safi (Committee Member):

Mr. Wadir Safi was born on December 25, 1948, in Afghanistan. He has wide experience and excellent background of quality leadership, political and as well as in the field of a lectureship in different national and international educational institutions and universities. Mr. Safi is currently the Chairman of the Board of Director since 2018. Besides being a chairman to the Board of Supervisors, Mr. Wadir Safi is serving its services as a Lecturer, member the Public Law and Head of International Relation and a Senior Legal Officer for the Kabul University of Afghanistan. Mr. Wadir Safi holding a Ph.D. degree in International Laws and Politics, MA in International Relation from the Charles University, Prague Czechoslovakia, earned B.A Journalism from Faculty of Literature and Human Science – Kabul University Afghanistan. He has visited and participated in numerous academic conferences throughout his life career for sharing his rich leadership and spread his political experience of Afghanistan in different counties of the world names: The Boston University – USA, Washington University – USA, HELSINKI – Finland, Leyster University – Belgium, Oxford University – United Kingdom, Lyon and South Paris Universities – France. Mr. Wadir Safi also participated in the Professional youth seminar between Afghanistan and Pakistan in Germany, IHL conference New Delhi – India, SAARC conference – Nepal, UNODC – UAE, Bridging Gap between Afghanistan and Pakistan, G8 Forum Rome – Italy, Durand – Line forum between Afghanistan and Pakistan –  Madrid, Conflict Resolution – Indonesia, International Peace Conference – Paris France, Reconstruction of Afghanistan – New Delhi India. Mr. Wadir Safi is an author of about 30 plus printed books on topics of the Public International Law, Human Right of Self Determination of Nations and issued various articles in the academic magazines.