SMS Banking
SMS banking service provides instant notifications about your transactions when it happens. It helps to keep a watch on your account with 7/24 in a week. Every debit and credit in your account over a limit desired by you is intimated by SMS. Now, with SMS banking service of Pashtany Bank, you are always in a position to keep a close eye on your account activities and take instant messages.
Safety: All transactions above a value desired are intimated to you as and when those happen, so you are always kept updated on your transactions
Convenience: No need to queue in at a branch or ATM to check your account.
Updates: Get automatic updates on deposits/loan installments due, interest rate changes and new products.
Availability: This service is available from anywhere in the world, even when you are on the move.
Visit PB Head Office or nearest PB branch by keeping your Account Number or National ID (Tazkira) readily available with yourself.