هیئت نظار

محترم ارسلاح ظفری(رئیس هیئت نظــار)












محترم همایون غفورزی (عضوی هیئت نظــار)












محترم جان الله ظاهر(عضوی هیئت نظــار)

Mr. Jannullah Zahir was born on April 02, 1986, in Khogyani district Jalalabad- Afghanistan. He has ten years of rich banking experience in central bank of Afghanistan (Da Afghanistan Bank) and commercial bank as senior auditor and finance Manager in Zadran Groups of Companies with an excellent background of economics and Political Science studies. Mr. Zahir is currently member of the Board of supervisors of Pashtany Bank (PB) since 2019. Besides being the member to the Board of Supervisors of PB, Mr. Zahir also work as Chief Finance Officer (CFO) in Irfan Zahir Groups of companies. Mr. Jannullah Zahir is holding a M.A degree in Economics from Osmania University-India, B.A in economics from the Kabul University, B.A in Political Science and Public Administration from American University of Afghanistan and he is Certified Expert in Financial inclusion from Frankfurt School of Business and finance-Germany.  Mr. Jannullah Zahir has visited various countries and participated in numerous academic conferences throughout his life career. Mr. Zahir has also participated in various international seminars including South Asian Economic Meet in Lahore-Pakistan, finance and banking conference in Hyderabad-India and internal audit at central bank of Turkey- Ankara-Turkey.  He has also received many trainings such as Internal and External audit, internal controls, banking and finance, IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), banking financial reporting standards, Advance Accounting at AIBF (Afghanistan Institute of Banking and Finance) and leadership programs at AUAF (American University of Afghanistan).


محترم خلیل الرحمان بهیر (عضوی هیئت نظــار)

Khalil Baheer is Operations Director of MISFA (Micro Finance Investment Support Facility Afghanistan). Since July 2009, he has been in senior Management of MISFA, an independent Budgetary Unit of the Government of Afghanistan, supporting the microfinance and SME sectors at the national Level. Mr. Baheer has over 20 years of experience in design, Management, implementation, Monitoring and evaluation of large complex development and humanitarian projects in Afghanistan, Pakistan, United Kingdom, and Thailand. He has worked with UN agencies (ILO, UNDP, UNOPS); INGOs, including IRC; and donor agencies, USAID, World Bank, and DFID. He holds a Master in Business Administration awarded by the London Metropolitan University. He completed his Bachelors from Orient University. Mr. Baheer also earned a Management and leadership certificate from Harvard University in the United State; United Kingdom.